Beggar Sketch

This drawing is another oldie from one of my sketch pads. In New York, you see all types of people. Though it isn't the case now, in the 1980s', when this image was drawn, beggars were in great abundance. They could be found on street corners, subway stations and the trains themselves. Many of the beggars where homeless, mentally ill, others--drug junkies. I happened across one who was an amputee, panhandling in Penn Station while I was waiting for a train. He was missing his legs. People, who had thrown change, missed his coffee cup. To get the coins he'd scoot over on his backside, put the coins in a pocket and scoot back. I thought to make this drawing of a much more extreme case, where the beggar cannot collect the coins at all, but can only look longingly at them. I like the effect that the sepia and white ink have on the brown paper.